1/26/2025 Witnesses, Offerings, and Priests  

Acts 41

Date: 1/26/2025  

Title: Witnesses, Offerings, and Priests  

Passage: Acts 8:25  

**Acts 8:25**  

25 After the two apostles had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many villages of Samaria.

**Samaria and the Ends of the Earth**  

As persecution began against the church following the first revival in Jerusalem, the church started to scatter to different parts of Judea and even Samaria. If you look at a map, Judea is to the south of Jerusalem, while Samaria is to the north. Israel, with its elongated shape, resembles the geography of Korea, stretching from north to south. The prophecy that the disciples would be witnesses in all of Judea and Samaria shows that the message of Jesus Christ would eventually reach all corners of the earth.

**Acts 1:8** "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

This was the last message that Jesus gave just before His ascension.

Last week, we saw how, through the apostles laying hands, the Holy Spirit came upon the people of Samaria. There was a clear, unmistakable transformation in them when the Holy Spirit came. 

Now, they were no longer followers of Jesus in an indirect way by following Philip. Instead, with the Holy Spirit living in them, they could directly follow Jesus and live as His brothers and sisters, children of God.

As a result of this transformation, the change in their identity, Jesus called them "witnesses." 

**Who are witnesses?**  

Witnesses are those who have evidence and testify to it to the world. 

We were all trapped in sin and bound by the darkness, but the Son of God, Jesus Christ, took on all our sins on the cross, died for them, and after paying the price, He resurrected! Anyone who believes in Him is reborn with new life and can experience eternal life, starting from here and now!

These two apostles, on their way back to Jerusalem, continued preaching the gospel in every village they passed through.

They lived as witnesses of this gospel. This is what happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon us.


There was a reason why Jesus specifically mentioned "Samaria." Geographically, Samaria was only about 50 km from Jerusalem, about a 3-day walk, so it wasn't a long distance.

However, the emotional distance between Jerusalem and Samaria was vast.

The Bible clearly states that Jews did not associate with Samaritans; there was a deep hostility between them, almost as if they were enemies.

Because of King Solomon's sin, Israel was divided into the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel. The capital of Judah was Jerusalem, while the capital of Israel was Samaria.

On the map, the northern part was called Israel, and the southern part was called Judah. This division happened because the ten northern tribes formed Israel, while the southern part consisted of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and the Levites who lived around the Jerusalem temple.

For over two centuries, these two kingdoms remained hostile. As a result, the northern kingdom built places of worship in Bethel and Dan, where they placed idols, even going as far as setting up a golden calf as a representation of God.

**1 Kings 11:38** "If you do whatever I command you and walk in obedience to me and do what is right in my eyes by observing my decrees and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David, and will give Israel to you."

Here, we must remember something: In God's great plan, certain things must come to pass, and no one can change them. However, many other things depend on the choices we make and the paths we walk in response to the opportunities God places before us. It depends on the prayers we offer.

Moreover, when we are uncertain about God's unchangeable will, we must focus on how we respond rightly. This is what the Lord expects from us, and it is in such moments that we contribute to making an eternal difference.

Although God gave King Jeroboam a promise of blessing and opportunity, he ultimately betrayed God, and the northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyria in 722 B.C.

As the people of Israel and the foreigners who entered were mixed, these people became known as Samaritans.

For this reason, the Jews harbored not just a hatred for Samaritans as Gentiles, but a deep animosity. Furthermore, when, around the 4th century B.C., the Samaritans built their own temple on Mount Gerizim and claimed legitimacy, the anger of the Jews deepened.

Yet, the Lord sent the first missionary to Samaria—Philip.


Who is Philip?  

**Acts 6:5-6**  

5 The whole group was pleased and chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, also Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus from Antioch, a convert to Judaism.  

6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.  

Philip, along with Stephen, was one of the first to receive the laying on of hands and became an official leader in the church. What was their mission?

**Acts 6:2**  

So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables."

The task of waiting on tables — in English, it says "Wait on tables" — refers to the work of serving meals or providing for the needs of others. They were called to serve in this way, and that is why they were given the title “deacon,” which means "servant" or "minister."

To understand the qualifications for these deacons, we should look at why they were chosen.

**Acts 6:1**  

In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.

During the time of the first revival, many people, especially those in need of economic support, gathered together. It was clear that they needed help with food and daily provisions. The twelve apostles, who were the primary leaders at that time, were handling the distribution. 

However, managing all these needs personally became inefficient and problems started to arise, particularly with the Hellenistic Jews, who felt neglected in the distribution.  

The seven deacons chosen for this role were all Hellenistic Jews, indicating that the apostles specifically chose them to address the needs of this group.

**Acts 6:3**  

Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them.

The qualifications for these deacons were that they should be full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and have a good reputation. These qualities show that they were to be people who lived by God's power and not their own strength. Additionally, they needed to be recognized as good and virtuous people, worthy of respect. This is also mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:7 as part of the qualifications for deacons.

**1 Timothy 3:7**  

They must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that they will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.

These qualifications apply to anyone who serves in the church in any capacity. First, they must be filled with the Holy Spirit, then they must have wisdom, and they must also be recognized as good people by those outside the church.

This is the qualification for being a deacon. Imagine if deacons in Korean churches, and in churches in the United States, truly met these three criteria. 

Can you imagine how beautiful the church community would be if the deacons truly embodied these qualities? The church would undoubtedly be recognized as good in the world. The church would shine as a city on a hill, reflecting the fullness of Christ! This is the vision that God has for His church.

The members of the church do not need to be highly trained or masters of advanced Bible studies. Simply accepting and living by these clear standards from Scripture would be enough. Why, then, do we disregard these standards while professing to believe in God’s Word?

These seven deacons were established after the laying on of hands.  

The laying on of hands was originally done to consecrate sacrificial offerings, and God commanded the Levites to perform the role of priests. The Levites were considered offerings, "shaken offerings" (as it’s described in the Hebrew term **"תְּנוּפָה" - Tenufah**), meaning "to shake" or "to move." 

The Levites were seen as moving offerings, and this is reflected in Paul’s writings in Romans where he refers to this as “living sacrifices.”

**Romans 12:1**  

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship.

Peter tells us that we are now holy priests who will offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.

**1 Peter 2:5**  

You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Isn’t this all part of the same story? In truth, if we are to build the true church, we must all be holy priests offering spiritual sacrifices that are pleasing to God.

Becoming a priest means offering ourselves to the Lord as a living sacrifice.

While it may seem illogical for a sacrifice to live and move, this is the most important spiritual truth: everything we do with our lives should be an act of worship. This is the true meaning of spiritual worship!

Someone like Simon, who followed Jesus for his own benefit, was baptized, and even spent money, could not truly be filled with the Holy Spirit. This demonstrates that a true Christian cannot live for their own benefit.

So, what kind of life should the Levites, those who are living sacrifices, and priests lead?  

Since all of us are spiritual Levites, we must understand the identity of the Levites. Don’t you think it’s important to know what it means to be a Levite in spiritual terms?

**Who are the Levites?**

When the land was divided among the 12 tribes of Israel, the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin were together in the southern part, and many Levites lived among them. However, not all Levites were in Judah, which is why there were only two tribes in the south, not three.

So, where were the Levites?

The descendants of Jacob's 12 sons formed the 12 tribes, and the land was distributed among them. Technically, there are 13 tribes in Israel because Joseph’s tribe was divided into two: one for each of his sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.  

Yet, as seen in the map, the Levite tribe is not listed. Why is that?

**Numbers 3:12**  

The Lord said to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites.”

The Levites did not receive land like the other tribes. Instead, God declared, "I am your inheritance." 

Do you think the Levites felt happy hearing this? While it's wonderful to have God as your inheritance, didn't they need a place to live?

**Joshua 21:41-42**  

41 The towns of the Levites in the territory held by the Israelites were forty-eight in all, and the pasturelands for them.  

42 Each of these towns had pasturelands surrounding it; this was true of all these towns.

The Levites were given cities to live in, along with pasturelands around them. These were good lands—about four cities from each tribe. While the other tribes lived together, the Levites were scattered among them.

Why was this?

When Moses was blessing the tribes before they entered the Promised Land, he gave a special blessing for the Levites:

**Deuteronomy 33:10-11**  

10 They will teach Jacob your laws and Israel your teachings; they will burn incense before you and offer whole burnt offerings on your altar.  

11 Bless all his skills, Lord, and be pleased with the work of his hands. Strike down those who rise up against him, his foes, so that they will not rise again.

The Levites were called to teach God’s law to the people and guide them in offering true worship to God. They were spiritual leaders.

As they carried out their role, God promised to bless their work and protect them from their enemies.

Now, those who belong to Jesus Christ are all spiritual Levites. Our role is that of witnesses, offerings, and priests.

We are all sent to teach others God's law and to lead them in true worship. Whether in the church, workplace, or school, God has sent us to those people. It’s not about making money, but about showing them the law of love, the light of Christ, and leading them in true worship.

From an earthly, temporary perspective, other things might seem more important, but in light of eternity, there is no greater calling than revealing Jesus Christ to others and guiding them into true worship. That is our mission as Levites!

If we live according to this calling, God will bless us, prosper the work of our hands, and protect us from our enemies. Amen!

Will we live constantly worrying about our material needs, trying to protect ourselves by our own strength? Or will we live as people who fulfill the mission God has given us, trusting that He will bless and protect us? 

There is no better life than this.

Let's look at the blessing given to the Levites as an example of the calling for all of us.

**Numbers 6:23-26**  

23 "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:  

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;  

25 The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;  

26 The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.'" 

All of us Christians are called to declare this blessing. Wherever we are, whatever tribe we are sent to, our purpose remains the same as the Levites: to declare the blessing of the Lord and guide others into true worship.

Witnesses, Offerings, and Priests!

The church is like the 48 cities where the Levites lived — a community where we gather together to comfort and encourage one another. And just like the Levites, we are preparing to go out into the world, into the land that God has entrusted to us. At the end of each service, I pronounce the benediction, right? The benediction is a sending forth. We are sent as witnesses to go back into the world!

Do not live for yourself. Half-hearted living is the worst kind of life. Wherever you are, whatever job you have, look at the souls around you. Be willing to become an offering for them.

Become a priest for them.  

Sow seeds with tears. It requires patience, courage, and love, but the blessings flow from that. When we live according to our calling, there is a joy in it that cannot be expressed.

We are not called to live for our own comfort and happiness.

You will never see it from a place of hesitation. Only when you begin to take that step, to make that choice, will things begin to reveal themselves. There is an array of indescribable lights, a joy that shines brightly from deep within, soaring with that joy. Let’s share that joy together.

This is the life we are called to — the life of a witness, an offering, and a priest.  

Jesus Christ, the true witness, offering, and priest, has invited us into this life.

Let us pray.