12/29 Those Who Receive the Crown
/Acts Lesson 37
Date: 12/29/2024
Title: Those Who Receive the Crown
Scripture: Acts 7:50-60
[Acts 7:50-60]
50 "Is it not he who made the heavens and the earth and everything in them?"
51 "You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors did.
52 Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him,
53 despite the fact that you have received the law that the angel of the presence gave.
54 When they heard these things, they were enraged and began to twist their ears and kill Stephen.
55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
56 "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
57 At this, they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him,
58 dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their clothes down at a young man named Saul’s feet.
59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep."
First, thank you to Chajojohneun Church for inviting and welcoming our church.
Our church is currently using a studio near Times Square in Manhattan as our worship location. However, since the studio itself will close from Christmas through the end of the year, we suddenly find ourselves without a place to worship.
Therefore, starting with the Christmas worship on the 25th, continuing through today—the last Sunday of the year—and up to the New Year’s worship a few days later, we have been wandering like strangers.
However, this is not entirely unfamiliar to our church.
We have worshiped at Dominican Republic Church in Washington Heights, Manhattan, and also at a nursing home.
As a result, when I mentioned that we need to hold three worship services at different locations by the end of the year,
almost no one in the congregation was surprised, which actually made me a bit embarrassed.
Last week’s Christmas worship was also held in Fort Lee, and many members attended, making it a warm and abundant service. Taking advantage of being in Fort Lee, we also had warm jjajangmyeon (black bean noodles) delivered for lunch.
Repeating these processes every year is not easy, but
through this process, we are reminded of many things: the fact that the church is not a building, and that we are still travelers on the journey.
Jacob, the patriarch of faith, defined his life as a "traveler’s life,"
and Peter, a disciple of Jesus, also called his brothers "those who are strangers in Christ."
When we look at life from the biggest possible perspective, until we enter the Kingdom of God, which has eternal homes, we are all travelers living in temporary dwellings.
However, we keep forgetting that and think and act as if we will live here forever.
This is the most serious factor that binds our lives to be indistinct from the world.
Therefore, experiencing the life of a traveler through the church has been an opportunity for spiritual awakening.
Nevertheless, this last Sunday’s worship this year is another extraordinary and new experience.
Because two communities have gathered together to worship.
The sight of two children being friendly together can instantly make a parent’s heart go to heaven.
Even without specifically presenting related Bible verses,
I am confident that the sight of our two churches uniting to praise and worship the Lord today is like honey dripping from the Lord’s eyes!
Even before I started my pastoral ministry, such things happened occasionally, but after I started, I actually experience this quite often. What I mean is, "Wow... this is really not something I am doing. It is the Lord working through me."
The moment we decided on this united worship was just like that. It was not a plan in my mind. Probably, it was not a plan in Pastor Chun's mind either. It was just that when the two met, their hearts connected, and it was the work of the Lord.
At such times, although it is a new situation, it feels as if it has been prepared for a long time and must come to be this way.
Therefore, I hope you can fully expect today.
Not my sermon, but through today’s worship where we have united, let's fully expect the changes and great works that will happen to us.
Our church has been studying Acts together for 36 weeks, spending time finding and hearing the Lord’s word through Acts.
Today is the 37th session, which is the scene of Deacon Stephen’s martyrdom.
**Entering Acts Chapter 7, Stephen began his sermon to the religious leaders and Jews who were fiercely pressing to kill him.**
He started from Abraham, the patriarch of faith whom they proudly regarded, moving through Moses and the years in the wilderness, the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant created there, and Joshua leading the people into the land of Canaan. The Ark of the Covenant was finally placed in the Temple by Solomon, David’s son.
When the Ark of the Covenant, which had been housed in tents as a temporary dwelling for a thousand years, was finally placed in a stable Temple, the joy of the Israelites was overwhelming and indescribable.
Later, the Temple expanded by King Herod became almost ten times larger than the one Solomon initially built, becoming magnificent and a source of pride for all the people of Israel.
**[Luke 21:5-6]**
5 "Some of those who are present said, 'Look, Teacher, what magnificent stones and buildings!'
6 But Jesus replied, 'Do you see all these great buildings? Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.'"
When we see that Jesus spoke about the destruction of the Temple slightly differently in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, we understand that He did not mention it just once.
Moreover, the direct reference to the destruction of the Temple was the immediate reason that incited the Jews' greatest anger.
Jesus also esteemed the Temple, but only as a "house of prayer for all nations," not equating the Temple itself with God.
However, the Jews had come to worship the Temple as if it were God. Their behavior was no different from idol worshipers who treated Greco-Roman temples and idols with reverence, despite only the name of Jehovah God being used. Their attitudes and the meaning of their worship had already become indistinguishable from idol worship.
The main purpose and final key point of Stephen's lengthy sermon was ultimately:
You are now worshiping the Temple as Jehovah God, just as the Israelites in the wilderness sang and worshiped Jehovah, the God who saved us, while they made the golden calf during Moses' time.
But God was not there; He was with His Son, Jesus Christ... whom you killed!
It is Jesus, whom you killed, not the Temple, who is worthy of honor and glory!
That is what he shouted!!
Did they awaken upon hearing this truth?
The enraged Jews did not even give Stephen a chance to defend himself in court. Shouting loudly, covering their ears, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city, and stoned him to death without a trial.
What made them so angry and excited to the point of killing a person might have been their love for the Temple, but it was certainly not love for God.
Let's take a look at a verse that we often memorize and that gives us great strength.
[Romans 8:28] "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Paul, who wrote this letter to the Romans, was writing to fellow believers who were suffering and whose hope seemed to be fading.
So, when he says, "in all things God works for the good," he was reassuring them that even if it seems like nothing good will come from their current situation, eventually everything will work out for the best. He wanted them to understand that.
In the end, everything that happens in our lives can be divided into two categories: things that God actively gives us, and things that He allows to happen with sorrow in His heart.
As a result, both joyful and sorrowful things coexist in our lives.
However, there is a special promise for those who love God. The severity of their pain is limited, and God promises to help them bear it. Furthermore, even the pains we endure will eventually bear beautiful and good fruit.
This is the foundation of the true and deep peace that we have.
Sadly, there are many Christians who treat God like Santa Claus, thinking He simply rewards good behavior and punishes bad. These people hide the truth about themselves, pretending everything is fine and acting like they are good, quiet children who never cry.
They think that if they obey God's commands, their business will prosper, their health will be good, and their children will do well, as if everything should work out in a simple, transactional way.
But doesn't the Bible say that God sometimes rebukes and disciplines those He loves? Doesn't it say that He hears the prayers of those who mourn? Doesn't it say that the sacrifices God accepts are a broken spirit?
Thus, so-called "prosperity theology" can never be true faith, even if someone is outwardly religious and seemingly holy. The Jewish leaders, who were the most religious and appeared the holiest, are the ones who dragged Stephen—who was like a saint, looking directly at Jesus—and stoned him to death. This shows that, in reality, they were idolaters, having no true relationship with God.
When we look carefully at Romans 8:28, the verse that gives us hope and the basis for our peace, we see that the promise is specifically for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
It is not about pretending to love, or following the selfish love that the world speaks of. It is about those who are called according to His will—those who obey God's purpose.
Jesus explained who these people are:
[Matthew 10:37-38]
37 "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me."
Isn't this shocking? Does it seem too extreme?
This is what it means to love God and to be called by Him.
And we see this in the example of Stephen, who is shown to us as a model.
Stephen was not one of the Twelve Apostles. He was not killed by the Roman soldiers but by the very Jewish people he called his brothers. These people, filled with anger, stoned him to death.
What could be a more miserable and painful death than this?
But is there any good in this? Do you see this as an example of Romans 8:28, where "all things work together for good"?
How could this possibly have a happy ending?
Indeed, how many people in human history have loved God as much as Stephen did, and given everything for His calling? He is undoubtedly one of the few. Moreover, wasn't he the first martyr, the one who laid down his life for his friends, just as Jesus taught?
If the promise of Romans 8:28 did not apply to him, how could anyone dare to speak of hope?
[Acts 7:55] "But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."
The Lord kept His promise to Stephen.
At the very moment when everyone was rushing to kill him, the heavens opened, and Stephen could see the throne of God and Jesus standing at God's right hand.
A miraculous event occurred in Stephen’s heart—there was no sense of injustice, rejection, or desire for revenge.
Although his body was being dragged outside the city and stoned by those around him, Stephen continued to gaze upward and speak only to God until the very end.
[Acts 7:59-60]
59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep.
After being struck with stones and falling, Stephen rose again and knelt down. With his focus back on the Lord, he prayed his final prayer for those who had thrown him outside the city and stoned him. “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”
After saying these words, he fell asleep.
This is the first Christian "happy ending" recorded in the Bible, a fulfillment of the promise to those who love God and are called according to His purpose, where everything works together for good.
Does this match the "happy ending" you expected? If not, what went wrong?
Someone once said that today’s Christianity started without counting the cost... and now, it is filled with ruins and remnants of unfinished towers.
The figure of Stephen does not appear again in the Bible, but his name reappears with a different meaning.
[2 Timothy 4:7-8]
7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing."
The meaning of Stephen's name is "crown." This passage from 2 Timothy, like the message in Romans, clearly specifies the intended recipients of this promise.
It is for those who have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. And it is specifically for those who long for the Lord's Second Coming.
This is not intended for everyone who simply calls themselves a Christian.
We can know this from a simple question: Do all those who call themselves Christians truly see the Lord's return as the best news they could possibly receive? Are there any who would not want to delay the Lord's coming, wishing they had more time to prepare?
It is not those who delay or hope for more time, but those who truly love God—those who love Him above all else, in every moment of their lives. Those who have been called according to His purpose and live a life of obedience.
These people long for the Lord's return at any time. The glorious crown is for them.
If one spends their whole life chasing after an easy and wide path, thinking that they are a Christian, it is okay. No need to count the cost. All their sins were God's will. The discomforts of avoiding obedience must be fought as spiritual battles. Eventually, we will all receive a crown.
But if this is the voice you're hearing, and if you find peace in it, know that it is not the voice of the Lord. It is certainly not the voice of Jesus, who rose from His throne to welcome Stephen.
When someone rises from their seat, it is a sign of respect.
Jesus rose from His throne to welcome His faithful servant, Stephen. "You are now my friend because you know and do my will."
Compared to Stephen, haven’t we lived much longer under God’s protection and blessings?
I hope that all of us can make choices that will cause the Lord to rise from His throne to welcome us, just as He did for Stephen.
When we look back on the final day, we will see that much of our time was spent blending into the world, living lives that were comfortable, where all we will have left are ashes and regrets. We will stand before the Lord empty-handed.
But I hope that we will be people whom the Lord cannot take His eyes off. Living lives that bring joy and gratitude to God, filled with peace from eternity, and living in endless joy, until we see Him place the crown of glory on our heads.
This is not about appearance or ability. In fact, it is often the opposite of what is visible.
Amidst the people who insulted and attacked him, Stephen’s gaze remained fixed on the Kingdom of God, on the throne of God. Whether alone or in the crowd, Stephen’s focus remained on the Lord. The depth, length, and clarity of fixing one’s heart and mind on God is what we define as "faith."
It is through this faith that we will receive the crown of glory.
Do we desire to be those who love God, are called by Him, and long for His return above all else?
Our final day has not yet come, and as long as we have breath, there are still infinite possibilities before us.
On that day, if we, like Stephen, receive the crown of glory, we will see how everything—our mixed life of joy, sorrow, disappointment, and hope—ultimately comes together and is beautifully completed, just as God promised.
The cost of such a life was shown to us through Stephen.
Now, the question is: what kind of life will you choose, and what path will you walk?
Let us pray.