1/5 From Saul to Stephen

Date: January 5, 2025

Title: From Saul to Stephen

Scripture: Acts 8:1-6

It feels like it’s been a very long time since we’ve worshiped here. We’ve truly lived the life of travelers this time of the year as well.

But in my heart, it feels more like a warm and cozy time, as if we all went on a journey together. I believe it’s because we’ve been surrounded by God’s grace.

In the neighborhood where I live, there are two large Jewish synagogues, and about 30% of the town’s population is Jewish, so it’s common to see them around. Every year, around September to October, during the time of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles), you can easily spot homes with sukkahs (temporary shelters) set up in front.

The Feast of Tabernacles is a time to remember the days when the Israelites lived as travelers in the wilderness. Especially in the fall, during the season of the harvest, God made sure that, in the midst of abundance, they wouldn’t forget Him. He wanted them to remember the God of the wilderness—the God of Gershom.

For Jewish children, experiencing the cold air and the hard, uncomfortable ground each year offers a completely different experience compared to just hearing stories about the wilderness from thousands of years ago.

Finding a place to worship every year at the end of the year isn’t easy, but the experience of feeling the same longing that Mary and Joseph must have had when they searched for a place to give birth to baby Jesus during Christmas is truly a blessing.

Just like the Feast of Tabernacles that God gave us, having a pilgrim’s heart and placing our hope only in God is a miraculous blessing.

Here, where a million people gather to welcome the New Year on January 1st, isn’t it a miracle and a privilege that we can worship Jesus Christ every week?

Let’s thank the Lord for yet another miracle that has happened today and give Him our applause!

We have been studying the sermon of Stephen, whose name means “crown,” over the past few weeks, and through this, we’ve also explored the history of Israel—God’s history.

Through Stephen’s sermon, the Israelites would have felt a sense of pride as they listened to the great stories of their ancestors, from Abraham, their proud forefather, to Jacob and the era of the patriarchs, as well as the great history of the Exodus led by God with Moses.

However, the incident of the golden calf, which took place just before the Ten Commandments were given in the wilderness, turned the mood around dramatically.

Despite having experienced the miraculous parting of the Red Sea and other great miracles of salvation, how quickly and easily the Israelites had turned their backs on God—this was the truth that Stephen exposed, and it stirred up the crowd.

Without hesitation, Stephen proclaimed the shocking truth he really wanted to share.

“You are no different from the Israelites in the wilderness who foolishly called the golden calf God and worshipped it. You have come to treat this temple as if it were God Himself. Do you really think God is confined to this temple?”

They were enraged and picked up stones.

But think about it for a moment.

Was Stephen wrong?

Was God not present before the temple was built?

What about before the tabernacle was established? Was God not there then?

The God of Jacob and Abraham did not have a physical form or a designated place, did He?

Was God’s presence lacking because there was no temple? Isn’t it the opposite?

God was everywhere and was always with them, wasn’t He?

Stephen wanted to tell his Jewish brothers about the restoration of worship.

[John 4:21] Jesus replied, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.”

This was Jesus’ response to the Samaritan woman, who had asked whether the true place of worship was the temple on Mount Gerizim in northern Israel or the temple in Jerusalem.

And He continued:

[John 4:23] “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

Stephen wanted to convey this message:

“You say you value the temple because you love God, but now are you not only loving the temple itself?”

If you truly loved God, how could you kill the prophets He sent?

When John the Baptist died, you didn’t mourn.

You killed the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and now you want to kill me too, don’t you?

I’ve shared this a few times before, but as I reflect on Solomon’s Temple and Herod’s Temple, I find myself thinking deeply.

Solomon didn’t build the temple simply because he lacked materials, money, or love for God. He was the wealthiest king in Israel’s history.

Yet, he humbly listened to God’s will and completed the construction in seven years. On the other hand, the expansion of Herod’s temple, according to the Gospel of John, took forty-six years.

[John 2:20] “The Jews responded, ‘It took forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?’”

By the time of Jesus, the construction had already been ongoing for 46 years, and it was completed in AD 63, taking a total of 83 years. However, in AD 70, it was completely destroyed by the Roman army.

What is the significance of the size of these two temples, and the fact that one took 7 years to complete and the other 83 years?

There are many meanings, but I believe the most important lesson is, “Do not pour too much energy into building the temple!”

What did God want to accomplish through His protection and blessings on the nation of Israel?

[Exodus 19:5-6]

5 “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.

6 Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

In the Old Testament, God was pleased and blessed Israel when they feared Him and served as a light to the nations. On the other hand, when they became more and more like the nations around them and even envied them, they suffered defeat in wars and were destroyed.

The characteristic of the prosperous foreign cities of that time was their enormous idols and temples, which attracted pilgrims from all over. The fact that Herod expanded the Jerusalem Temple into something more beautiful and grand was not unrelated to this.

Among the Jews of that time, it was almost unthinkable not to believe that the long, ongoing expansion of the temple was for the glory of God and in accordance with His will.

However, God did not want the construction of such a grand and elaborate temple. Instead, He wanted Israel to live as His people and become a holy nation of priests, spreading His salvation to the ends of the earth.

When grand church buildings were constructed in medieval Europe, how many people truly thought that these were being built for God, to make Him happy and glorify Him?

However, we must remember that when St. Peter’s Basilica, the most beautiful and magnificent church, was built in Vatican City—recognized today as the heart of Catholicism—it was also during a time when the church had fallen so far that it had nowhere left to go.

The Reformation was a resistance by a poor monk who saw how the construction of such church buildings was funded by the blood and sweat of the common people.

Something very similar happened in Jesus’ time in Judaism and in Catholicism during the medieval period. Thus, the same force that led to this deception must also have been at work.

What is shocking, however, is that medieval Catholicism was no different from Judaism in many ways. That is truly shocking.

They had read the same Acts of the Apostles we are reading, and they had heard Stephen’s cry.

And yet, they were deceived again, and returned to the path of idolatry.

Their hearts, eyes, and ears were once again darkened.

They had the truth that leads to light, but they never met God in that truth.

Can we confidently say that our evangelical Christianity is different? Can we be sure that today’s churches are truly meeting God in the light of truth?

Do we sometimes think that we can lead people to God through visible success and grandeur? When a successful businessman or a famous celebrity reveals they are Christian, we get excited and proud, sometimes even showing off their crosses or religious symbols. We expect that many people will follow Jesus because of them.

I, too, had similar thoughts for a while. But now, I don’t see it that way.

Even if people are led to church through such individuals, I’m not sure if they will be helped toward true faith, or if those individuals will actually be a hindrance to their faith.

Jesus Himself rejected people who followed Him because they thought being a Christian would bring them success in business or wealth. He said to them, “You follow me because you ate the bread I gave you and were filled. You just want to make Me your king so that you can live well and prosper. But I will not be that kind of king for you.”

But do we see churches today saying such things? Have we ever heard a church say, “If you follow Jesus with such intentions, you are not worthy to be His disciple. Think carefully, count the cost, and then come.”

Instead, we hear churches saying, “Come sit down first, regardless of your reasons. Faith comes from hearing, so listen to the Word!” Haven’t we all heard this? But have churches that attracted people with such an approach become shining examples of the light of Christ in the world? Has Christianity truly become the fullness of Christ revealed to the world?

Look at the examples of Christians shown in the Acts of the Apostles, aside from the twelve apostles who had a special position with Jesus. Barnabas, for example, did not consider his wealth his own; he freely shared it with the community to help those in need.

And Stephen, whom we’ve been reflecting on for the past few weeks, did not even hesitate to give his life.

God may not be asking all of us to live the same way, but if Christ is truly our Lord, can we give only a portion of our possessions to Him, keeping the rest for ourselves? Can we still call Him our Lord while doing that?

It’s good to admire the life of Jesus and to gain wisdom from reading the Bible—these will benefit us greatly in life.

However, that is not what makes someone a Christian.

A Christian is a “ChristiAN” It means belonging to Christ. It means Christ is the Lord. That’s why we call Him “Lord, Lord.”

“Lord” is a title that elevates the name of Jesus, showing that He is both God and the Owner of our lives. In English, it is written with a capital “LORD” to signify this. It’s not just any master; He is God Himself.

The ones who stoned Stephen to death were not Gentiles or Roman soldiers. They were deeply religious Jews. They were absolutely certain that they were punishing a heretic who was blaspheming God.

If they truly knew God and encountered Him through their faith, how could they not recognize a faithful brother like Stephen? How could they have stoned him to death for blasphemy?

Who, then, was the “Lord” they so firmly believed in and followed? This is not something we should take lightly, is it?

The most religious Jews of that time did not truly follow God as their Lord. Similarly, during the Middle Ages, countless priests and popes presided over the most grand churches. They wore magnificent robes and hats decorated with crosses, but in reality, Jesus was not their Lord.

Isn’t this a serious and frightening matter?

In today’s passage, it is recorded that some Jews, like Saul, rejoiced in victory at the death of Stephen, while another group of Jews mourned and wept for him.

They were the same people, likely from the same synagogue, growing up and learning together, yet they had completely opposite reactions.

The difference between Moses and the people of Israel…

The difference between Stephen and Saul…

In the same era,

Having witnessed the same miracles of God, they chose completely different paths.

What makes the difference?

[Acts 7:51]

“You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your ancestors: you always resist the Holy Spirit.”

In the Bible, when God rebukes Israel, He often uses the phrase “stiff-necked people.”

This expression literally refers to being stubborn and proud. These two qualities are inseparable.

When it says that their hearts and ears were uncircumcised, it means their hearts and ears were covered by lies, making them unable to see or hear the truth.

When covered by lies and stubbornly proud, no one can help you.

We are being told not to be stubborn but to open our hearts and ears. We need to be humble before both God and people, and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

Personally, no matter how many times they hear the gospel or receive sacrificial love, a stubborn person will not accept Jesus as Lord.

Without a heart that pleads for help in weakness, without mourning over one’s sins, without the desperate, humble recognition that there is no hope for salvation except through Jesus, salvation cannot come.

The first appearance of the young man named Saul is connected to the death of Stephen.

[Acts 7:58]

“They dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul.”

If we misunderstand this scene, we might think that Saul wasn’t actively involved in the brutal killing of Stephen. However, the reality is the opposite.

Later, as the record shows, Saul was a key figure who ruthlessly sought out and destroyed churches one by one. The book of Acts clearly records how he eagerly volunteered for this task.

The fact that the witnesses laid their coats at Saul’s feet actually shows that he was the leader of this mob.

The Pharisees were careful never to stain their hands with the blood of sinners. Even approaching a dead body was considered taboo for them. They saw themselves as holy and left the dirty work to the common crowd.

When Stephen was put to death, the English translation of Acts 8:1 says, “Saul approved of their killing.” This shows that he permitted and led the crowd in the execution.


However, as we saw in last week’s passage, Jesus sternly warned that anyone who causes one of the little ones to stumble would be better off tying a millstone around their neck and drowning in the sea.

How heavy must Saul’s sin be?

Stephen, who lived exactly as Jesus did, a man so precious that he could even make Jesus rise, was stoned to death by Saul. Saul stirred up the crowd, and without getting his hands dirty, he was the one who orchestrated the brutal killing. How much more grievous must his sin have been? Doesn’t he deserve the harshest punishment?

Yet, God forgave him.

When this man lost his sight and knelt before one of the very Christians he had been hunting, God not only forgave him but also made him walk the same path as Stephen—living a life like Stephen’s.

This Saul became the Apostle Paul.

Who was Paul?

Some scholars even say that Christianity is the religion of Paul, who completed the doctrine of Christianity.

It was a complete reversal.

Furthermore, due to Stephen’s martyrdom, the Christian faith that began in Jerusalem quickly spread throughout Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

[Acts 1:8]

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Whatever the cause, whatever the method, the Lord wanted His church to spread beyond Jerusalem and reach the whole world.

Though one Stephen was martyred, countless other Stephens spread out into the world, didn’t they?

This is the Christian version of a happy ending, where everything works together for good.

Death and Sleep

In Acts 7:60, it says that Stephen “fell asleep” rather than “died.” It expresses it as sleeping, not death.

[1 Thessalonians 4:16]

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”

Being “in Christ” means belonging to Him, being His possession. As those who belong to Christ, we will awaken, and that day will be more refreshing than any morning.

Jesus, while on the cross, said to a repentant sinner, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise!”

In the physical world, the return of Jesus and the resurrection of those who are asleep in Christ could take thousands of years, but when we awake and put on our glorious spiritual bodies, that day will feel as if no time has passed at all—just like today.

For Stephen, who slept that day, he is not waiting for the second coming of Jesus after 2,000 years. From his perspective, the moment he “fell asleep,” he was already with his beloved Lord.

Do you believe this? If you truly believe this, how will our lives change?

The fears and frustrations we experience, especially the dissatisfaction with things that have not been achieved, could they actually stem from our inability to truly believe in eternal life?

When we stand before the Lord in that eternal place, we will look back on our lives and see them as if they were a dream, just a brief moment.

In that brief moment, we have been tricked into thinking we must accomplish everything, proving how important we are or that we deserve to be loved. We spend this short time trying to prove ourselves. Who is trying to deceive us into living this way?

Don’t we live with the same anxieties and worries as those who think their bodies, which will eventually decay and return to dust, are all they have?

How many of our life’s resources have we poured out trying to protect and preserve what is only a handful of things, living in fear of loss?

If this isn’t just someone else’s story, let’s dedicate ourselves completely to the Lord in this new year of 2025.

Let’s live a life where the Lord truly is the Master,

a life where He takes full responsibility from beginning to end,

and let’s live a year where we don’t interfere with His work.

When we look to the Lord, who is watching over us,

we will mysteriously find that sacrifices made out of love will no longer feel like losses.

The love that comes from eternity is something that grows the more we share it.

Loving like that is the fundamental reason we live in this world.

The One who can move someone like Saul to the place of Stephen—let’s entrust ourselves completely to Him.

We will rise up and meet the gaze of Jesus, who watched over Stephen.